Once again there has been a lot going on here on the small peninsula since we last updated, we had our district convention as well as a visit from the Circuit Overseer, Keith also made it back to Placencia a few weeks ago! There were 3 district conventions held in Belize and the one our group attended had 1,053 in attendance for the sunday program. Now a couple experiences from the ministry.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
It has been a little while since we posted on the blog, as many of you know many of us working with the group returned in August and several other brothers and sisters went home for a visit during September to October time but now many of us are now back in Belize in the Placencia group. On the return to Placencia within a week we faced a hurricane that was heading south towards Placencia that some were worried about but began to head north as it was heading closer to shore so we experienced no damage or injuries on the peninsula. Where the hurricane hit the worst some brothers and sisters houses were damaged with 3 foot of flooding and roofs being blown off and at least 2 houses were destroyed but the RBC is already taken action to repair the homes and rebuild the brothers houses. As of now we have no reports of injury or death, thanks for your continued prayers for the brothers and sisters that were affected by the hurricane here in Belize.

Posted by BOON Multimedia Design at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Back in Belize... Again
Artigos Relacionados:Tuesday, June 29, 2010
So things here in Placencia are still really busy and we are sorry its been so long since we have written a post. A lot of things have happened since we last wrote so we will try to fill you all in. First thing is that we have 2 new sisters from the territory and they have been mentioned in the blog before there names are Dashan and Carroll and they got baptized at the circuit assembly in March. Also, we are now holding all meetings here in Placencia where as before we were only holding the Sunday meetings. We also had our Memorial here in Placencia and had 75 in attendance. Lastly, we had to say goodbye to a few brothers and sisters that have been serving in Belize for a while now, the Hobans who have been here for over a year and a half had to return to the states due to some health problems they were a huge help here for the growing group as he was the only assigned elder here we will miss them very much. We also had to say goodbye to Seth and Keith (Keith will be returning for sure in a few months) with them also leaving the same week as the Hobans all of them have reached home safely and are doing well. We also have 2 new brothers that will be here for about 2 months and they are Timmy and Brandon! Things are growing here in Placencia and we will try to keep you posted more regularly, so now here are a few experiences.

Posted by BOON Multimedia Design at 2:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: Week Numero....... a lot
Artigos Relacionados:Saturday, March 6, 2010
It has been a few months since we have left Belize but we are all back and couldn’t be happier. There have been a few exciting things that have happened since our return, the first is that the meeting place for Sunday has changed again, to the community center and last week we had 57 in attendance. The second is that we are now recognized as an official group, which means we have a lot of work ahead of us. Here are a few experiences we have had in the few weeks we have been here.
This one’s from Derrick:
The ministry in Belize is just how I remember it, amazing! The people of Belize are excited to study the Bible and love getting their copies of the Watchtower and Awake, many of them coming up and asking us for them. But we have also rekindled many of the studies we studied with and one of those studies was Davinci and his brother Quincy. We typically go over the My Book of Bible Stories and then go over there Watchtowers to find a few comments for the them since they love to comment at the meeting. Well we went to their house and told them to get out their Watchtowers and it was already studied before we got there! I thought wow these kids really love Jehovah, we went over a few paragraphs and they underlined everything correctly. Well the wind started to pick up and blow the pages of the Watchtower over I then noticed more markings and underlines. I then took their watchtowers and looked threw it, they had the next three weeks already pre-studied and underlined! I asked them, “Who helped you do your Watchtower?” And they told me “nobody.” I couldn’t believe that they studied 3 weeks ahead on their own! Seth then asked them if they would ever like to give a talk in front of the kingdom hall and they both smiled at each other and said, “Yea!” Almost as if they thought that was something they could never do but were so excited to find out they could. We told them that soon Thursday meeting would be in Placencia were they could read the Bible in front of everyone and they couldn’t stop smiling they were so happy! It just goes to show no matter how old you are there is always room to love Jehovah with your whole heart.
This ones from Keith:
Being back in belize is like coming back to Jehovah's "big spiritual food table". There's just so much here and Its so exciting to see the progress of the group, and yes, I mean GROUP! Thats because as of a week or so ago Placencia is now an official group. We have our public talk at the community center here in Placencia and for the time being we still have to travel across the lagoon to independence for the other meetings, but here soon will be having it here in Placencia. Its all great news for the students and publishers who are witnessing the progression of Jehovah's group. It certainly brings joy to my heart to see the effort of the students despite there trills and tribulations they face. Geno is a man thats been mentioned before and he was hi-lighted in our movie, he has made fine progress. Last thursday night, it was the second time he wore a tie to a meeting, and he and his wife even took there own boat. They struggle with getting to the meeting on thursday night because he really doesn't feel comfortable with taking the boat at night but they made the effort and stayed the night just to make it! his son paul asked to begin studying as well. He's a nice man but this study is going to be difficult because paul really doesn't read well, at all. So I'm going to draw on some guyana skills and a whole lot of Jehovah's holly spirit to help him read and most importantly, learn what the bible really teaches. Today I went to Genos welding shop and who do you think had his bible teach book out and preaching, yep it was Geno himself. He tells me "I just cant help it keith, i just love talking to people, someday ill be with you guys"! You sure will Geno, you sure will......
This ones from Seth:
Hello family and friends. I hope all are well, be assured that I miss everyone one of you, and sorry for my lack of keeping in touch. We've been very busy here in Belize. I have about 4 excellent progressive studies, and a whole buch more in the works. I'll start my expierence with
something that happens pretty common here in Belize, but for any publisher of Jehovah, it makes their day every time they see it happen. It's when the householder stops everything they're doing at that moment in time, and read the publication that Jehovah has lovingly prepared for us. This happened to me with a study I'm conducting named Gubida. Gubida was hard at work as always, but this time he saw us as we were going on a return visit about 50 feet away from him. All of the sudden I heard this deep voice yelling, "Hey! Hey!" I was shocked to see that this big, black, bearded man with a shovel, was yelling at us, trying depserately to get our attention to come over. When we got a little bit closer, and greeted him, he waisted no time in saying with anticipation, "So do you have anything new for me to read!?" We gladly placed the current magazines with him. As we were walking away, I looked back to find that he hadn't moved from the place where we had just spoke, and was sitting cross legged in the dirt reading the magazine. He looked up and noticed me looking at him, and starting yelling "Blessed love Brotha! Blessed love!" I could really feel the appreciation in his voice. Then I started thinkin to myself of how people here really are thrilled to read the newest from Jehovah. When I see people like Gubida, drop everything to read the publication, it deepens my apprecation for what the Slave does for us in feeding us Spiritually. It's something we're spoiled in, and something I personally haven't fully taken adavantage of. The excitement and yearning Gubida has for the societies newest material has helped me with my own.
Fishing trip where we went to the keys
A picture of our backyard, its tough serving where the need is greater...
Posted by BOON Multimedia Design at 7:40 PM 1 comments
Labels: Back in Belize... I think we are home
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