So things here in Placencia are still really busy and we are sorry its been so long since we have written a post. A lot of things have happened since we last wrote so we will try to fill you all in. First thing is that we have 2 new sisters from the territory and they have been mentioned in the blog before there names are Dashan and Carroll and they got baptized at the circuit assembly in March. Also, we are now holding all meetings here in Placencia where as before we were only holding the Sunday meetings. We also had our Memorial here in Placencia and had 75 in attendance. Lastly, we had to say goodbye to a few brothers and sisters that have been serving in Belize for a while now, the Hobans who have been here for over a year and a half had to return to the states due to some health problems they were a huge help here for the growing group as he was the only assigned elder here we will miss them very much. We also had to say goodbye to Seth and Keith (Keith will be returning for sure in a few months) with them also leaving the same week as the Hobans all of them have reached home safely and are doing well. We also have 2 new brothers that will be here for about 2 months and they are Timmy and Brandon! Things are growing here in Placencia and we will try to keep you posted more regularly, so now here are a few experiences.

This ones from Derrick:
My experience starts off with me going with Seth on one of his Studies. Seth was heading to his study Gubida but was not able to find him home so as we were leaving his house a man by the name of Claud was coming home (he lives with Gubida) we just said our hellos and goodbyes and left. Seth then said why dont you go offer him a study. I thought well might as well to see if he is interested. So we went up to me and asked Claud if he would be interested in studying the Bible. He said enthusiastically, "Oh man of course man I would Love a study thanks so much for coming by and asking!" He was so excited to have someone come up and offer him a study, he told us he would like to study so he can be a better person and help him to quit doing some of the things he knows God disapproves of. So we set up a time to meet and I meet him over at his work right when he gets off and we study. So far we have had 4 studies and he is showing a good appreciation for them.
This ones from Seth
Well, there has been much going on in the time here in Belize. So many things to relate, and near impossible to remember all of them. I'll do a little summary of neat experiences that I think have happened. First we'll start with some younger ones, who have a special place in my heart.
My study Zerrick (10) and his brother Julius (7) have recently rehearsed all of their Bible books from Genesis to Revelation in order, without any need of consulting the the Table of Contents. It has helped them tremendously when they are looking for scriptures in there Bible. Next when we were in Seine Bight, I saw some kids there we study with, and noticed that they were getting made fun off, mostly due to the fact they were associating with the witnesses. At there study I asked them how they felt about this, the younger study named Davinci said, "It makes me feel bad!" I looked at his older brother and he got a big smile on his face and said, "I dont! I Just raise my hand and say 'THANK YOU! I'm proud to be a Wittness!'" That instantly brought an attitude change to his little brother, and really made my heart rejoice. I then shared with them some experiences of Jesus, and that he got made fun of too. The young ones are just so impressive, and i'll miss them a lot. To go on with other experiences, I was on my way to deliver a Bible to my study, I saw him on the road so I gave it to him there. Just as I was handing the Bible to him, the garbage truck was driving past. Then it suddenly stopped, and I saw the driver popping out of the huge truck and said, "Hey! Can i get one of those?" "Of course," I said. Then last month when we were offering the Watch Tower, "Has God Left Us?" we found a lady who was astounded when she read the title and said, "I was just wondering that question!" We had a nice conversation, and she gave us some free mango's. When I was coming out of a Bible Study there was a group of Rastafarians there waiting, stopped us. "Man we appreciate you guys a lot! Spreading the word! You guys aren't partial, and neither is God!" After thanking him for the compliment we were about to leave because it was late, and we hadn't eaten dinner yet. As we were leaving one of the three said, "Hey man, do you think you could leave us with a Proverb?" He started to recite one he had already been familiar with, and Brandon knew exactly where that verse was, so we opened up there and read him the whole thing. All of them had such big smiles on their faces, and as we were reading other Proverbs, one smiled to me and said, "We really appreciate this man!" After that they introduced themselves, again showing their appreciation with many kind words. My other Bible students are doing well, and the meetings are getting more lively with local comments.
As you can see there is a lot that happens, and unfortunately it can happen so often that you take it for-granted. But what I appreciate, and what I think all Kingdom Proclaimers can appreciate is that there is a reason why the end has not yet arrived. I will miss Belize, and look forward to seeing you all very soon!
Picture of the Memorial & those in attendance