Once again there has been a lot going on here on the small peninsula since we last updated, we had our district convention as well as a visit from the Circuit Overseer, Keith also made it back to Placencia a few weeks ago! There were 3 district conventions held in Belize and the one our group attended had 1,053 in attendance for the sunday program. Now a couple experiences from the ministry.
This one's from Derrick:
"There is one study we have neglected to mention in the blog so far that has been making great progress his name is Anthony. Anthony was found by brother Pollard back when we had the article on how to quit smoking. Anthony was just praying to God for help to stop smoking and a few moments later Brother Pollard approached Anthony in the door to door work and presented the magazine on how to quit smoking with Anthony. Anthony said from that point on I knew it was the Truth. Ever since then Anthony has been regular at the meetings and is progressing well. At the last meeting he attended he couldn't stop smiling so I went up to him and asked him how he was doing, he said "Man this is it, being at the meetings man it makes you feel like your really living." I told him well thats good and that the meetings were just a fraction of what the real life will be in the future he said, "Man I can not wait for that!"
This one's from Keith:
"Im now back in placencia and after being away for a few month it feels good to be back. The group is doing well and now with everyone having there convention and a recent co visit the atmosphere is zealous and hopeful. I was encouraged after the very first day of being back in the ministry. While in the door to door service I meet a young man working, doing some minor construction work. Though he was apprehensive at first, he and his two other friends became very interested with many outstanding questions. They kept attentive throughout my whole visit. To my surprise they all pulled out a note pad and pen and had begun writhing down notes, and keeping track of the scriptures i was reading to them! There questions all varied but they all loved the november watchtower. They all wanted to be happier. "We work hard, all the time" they said, "but we never seem to get happier". After a long while I said good bye and promised to return. So needless to say the encouragement goes both ways and seeing people in these last days listening to the good news is a great feeling."
We do hope that these experiences bring you encouragement in these last days. If you or anyone would be interested in serving where there is a greater need please speak to your local body of elders and the Circuit Overseer to see if you have the circumstances to expand your ministry in this way!