There has been many wonderful blessings in the Placencia group in the last 3 months. I apologize for not updating the blog more regularly, but I will try my best to do so in the future. I figured I would update everyone about the happenings in the congregation. We have had many visitors from all around the world come down to help with the preaching work and as a result we have been getting 70-80 at the meetings on Sunday with the highest attendance of about 90. There has also been 3 more unbaptized publishers and 4 new ones join the school, Rodger and Siripohn, Alan, and Stephanie. We also just had our Circuit Assembly where Gino and Olga Leslie were baptized. The progress in the group is a clear sign that Jehovah is blessing the group and the help that all the visiting need greaters provided has helped the group immensely. Thats the happenings in the congregation and here is a quick experience from the field ministry.

Rodger on the left with his wife Siripohn on the right.

Meetings have been very popular where the brothers have to stand in the back because of lack of seats.
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