We hope everyone is doing well, especially our moms (LOVE YOU MOMS)! Any-case now that you all know that we are mama's boys we wanted to write a few more experiences that happened the last couple of weeks. If you know anyone that might be encouraged by these experiences please send them the link so they can check it out!
This ones from Derrick
"Our ministry is starting to develop and it is an amazing feeling! A couple of weeks ago we found some kids and chatted with them on their lunch break (we wrote it in the blog). Well Seth and I went back to see if they wanted to study but we could not find any of the kids so we decided to talk to the mother who we placed the abortion magazine with. She said she had some time to talk so she came outside and we showed her the Truth tract and she wanted to know where the dead were. We discussed it and shared Eccl. 9:5 and she concluded that the dead do not live after they die which to most people would make sense and bring some clarity and comfort. But she said with a frightened voice, "Then who are these people walking around at night?" There is a lot of spiritism in the area we are working so we have to explain to people that those are not their dead ancestors. I asked her are they spirits? She said yes. I then asked there are two types of spirits in the world do you know what they are? She said good and bad. I told her, "Yes and who are the good and bad ones in the Bible?" She said, "Angels and demons." I then said, " Thats correct, now do you think those people you heard or saw are angels or could they be demons?" She was able to figure it out. We then went over the chapter on spirit creatures in the bible teach book and she was so relived to find out that Jehovah and his angels are much more powerful than Satan and his demons. And that if she has any more problems in the future that she can pray to Jehovah for protection."

This one is from Tim
"The last few weeks in the ministry have been very productive and exciting. About 2 weeks ago Brandon and I met an older blind man named Martin in a town called Seine Bight. After explaining to him who we were, we shared with him the encouraging scripture at Isaiah 35:5 which talks about when the eyes of the blind ones will be opened and the ears of the deaf ones will be unstopped. Martin was very happy at hearing this scripture. During our discussion Martin would wipe
away tears that had built up in his eyes. He then told us about when he was younger and able to see but when was 47 he lost his eyesight and the ability to see. After talking with him for a while we left and told him that we were going to return next week to discuss the bible and its promises. A week later Brandon and I returned and I was able to start a study with Martin from the Bible Teach Book. I would read to him and then ask him questions so he could express his thoughts about the subject. Martin had very wise and surprisingly accurate answers to some of the questions. Brandon and I were both encouraged on how heartfelt martin was about the bible. I am excited to visit with Martin again next week! "

This one is from Seth
"There are a couple of youngsters that Derrick and I will be studying with. They are 7, and 9 years old, and their mom is a bible study that attends the meetings. When we went to set up the study Carol the Mom of the 9 year old was talking to us about Julius who can be quit the trouble maker. She was explaining how he wasn't her son, that he was adopted, and that he had been through a lot. Well most children here don't have your picture perfect childhood, so I wasn't to concerned about it.
Then she explained how rough it actually was for young Julius. Not too long ago his father was murdered. Julius' Mom along with her brothers were the ones that had murdered his father. We look forward to teaching the boys about Jehovah, and about a time when this system and the things that happen in it are a thing of the past. In the United States for some reason, I can't get a bible study to save my life, but here I don't even have to ask. While out in the ministry, their were nine local construction workers that wanted magazines. We went and talked to them and one told me, "Ya man i've been waiting for you to come to my house and offer me a study. I'm looking forward to it" I then made an appointment to try to find him this Saturday. Then one man didn't agree with why we don't accept blood, due to a personal experience he had. I then explained and read to him, Acts 15:28 that says to abstain from blood. He wanted to argue with me for a while about the subject as I tried to explain to him that keeping God happy is more important then trying to save ourselves, because only he can give us life forever. When we finished a spanish speaking man asked him to translate for him to me, "he say's he want's to know if he can become a Jehovah's witness." I had never wanted to know spanish so much in my whole life! We told him to keep reading the magazines and we would work on trying to find someone to contact him. I have one regular study named Gambeano who say's he likes our studies, and he's feeling closer to God, and that it helps him not to go out and party at night. At the end of our study he then asked if he could study more than once a week, I suppose that wouldn't be a problem! It's such an awesome thing to see seeds grow in people first hand!"

"These past three weeks in the ministry, to say the least, have been a blessing! The territory is white for harvesting here in Belize! Omar (the fellow mentioned last time) came to his first meeting and watchtower study! And on average he studies three times a week. Omar mentioned that he appreciated the watchtower study and how it went in to so much detail about creation. Omar loved how it talked about the ants diligentness and how it applied to Christians today, he said 'ants are amazing, when an obstacle is in there way they always find a way around it, Jehovah's witnesses are the same way!' It is wonderful to see ones get a real sense of the truth. A man that I heard about wanted a study but trying for a week could never find him home. Carlton, the name of this man finally found us! He heard that we were in town and quickly ran out his door, to his delight we were standing right out side on the street. He wanted the watchtower and awake we did not know at first who he was and its not uncommon for people to come up and request the magazines, we asked his name he said, 'its Carlton man!' Finally we found him! I asked him if he wanted to study he said "of course!" so we went straight to his house and began the study! Carlton is studying twice a week and is making progress he also requested a copy of the new world translation because his King James is to difficult to understand. We praise Jehovah for such a wonderful and productive ministry!"

Some kids enjoying the Watchtower and Awake magazines

These are called flap jacks a breakfast item here. They basically taste like sopiphias!

This is a typical lunch for us, chicken, coconut rice and beans.

This ones for the moms
uh... kinda miss you guys, A LOT! Lol, Soo proud of you!!! ~Mali
Hey guys you all look great. We love reading about your experiences. See you soon.
love the Giffords
You guys look so happy! Thank you so much for including us in your big adventure. It is so encouraging to hear experiences of those who have such a desire to come to know Jehovah. Seeing all the pictures is the best part! We are so proud of you!
Kyla & Garrett
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