Hello everyone from back home! We miss you all and we hope everything is well wherever you are. Once again we hope that these experiences will encourage you and help you to continue to serve Jehovah to the best of your abilities.

This ones from Derrick:
"I have a had couple more experiences that have happened since our last post. The first one is from a study named Robert (I talked about him some point in the blog, he was one of the guys that came up and asked for more magazines cause he finished reading the one he found on the ground) any-case we had a great study going over chapter 3 of the bible teach book. The chapter talks about Jehovah's Sovereignty and at the end of the study we were reviewing what we learned and I told him that this was a very important chapter and that what we learned today was one of the themes of the Bible, I told him that, "what we learned today is one of the most important things you can ever learn from the Bible. It's that Jehovah has the right to rule." His eyes lit up and he said, "One second!" He then stood up and went into his house, he came back outside and said, "I don't want to forget that." He then handed me a sharpie and a piece of wood and asked if I could write that down for him. I then wrote Jehovah Has The Right To Rule on the piece of wood and handed it back to him, I couldn't stop smiling. He then got up and grabbed a hammer and a nail and began to nail the piece of wood on his wall right as you open the door to his house. Robert said, "Now every-time I come home i'll remember that Jehovah has the right to rule."
Davis is another study that I found here in the territory when Seth was with me a couple of months ago. I have been telling him how important meetings are since our first study but I found him a week ago walking around and asked if he was going to make the meeting. He said, "I will be there. If I am not there this time then I will never be there." I thought to my self I guess its now or never for Davis. I told him that there would be a car here at 9:30 to pick him up for meeting (the meeting is about a 15min drive from where most of the studies live and none of them have cars) he said he would be waiting. Sunday came and I walked in to the meeting and couldn't find him so I figured he was not that interested in making the meeting after all especially since the car came back without him. Well right as the meeting started he came up the stairs and sat down, he managed to hitch a ride with someone heading this way and said he wasn't going to let satan stop him from coming to the meeting. He ended up loving the meetings and hopes to make it to more in the future. "

This ones from Keith:
"It's been a few weeks now here in belize and life couldn't be any better. The group is progressing, individual studies are progressing, and Jehovah's spirit is becoming ever more present and better known. Despite the jaunts to the beach and the occasional late night card game, we have all been really busy planting seeds and developing the interest. Kholten and i are finding our groove with a handful of calls and studies to occupy our week. Everyday presents new experiences and faith strengthening conversations, but there was one man that stands out from these last couple of weeks. His name is Arnold.
His hunger for truth and cheer excitement just blows me away. He works at a local resort called Turtle INN, and within the property there is housing for some of the workers. This is where Arnold lives and on the step is where we study. He speaks english but his first language is spanish. It may seem like studying would be a challenge but we have made it quite easy. He uses a Spanish bible teach book and bible and we get along just fine. When you have a great study it can brighten up your entire day, but with arnold, he brightens up the whole week. He asks great questions and when he learns something new his whole face lights up, he sits back, and thanks jehovah! I can't stress enough how excited he is about his studies, he has already read most of his book and he really wants to go to the meeting. I told him when and where but unfortunately he is scheduled to work. But this is what he said " IS OK! I GO FOR MY GOD AND I JUST TELL THEM THAT I GO!" He's really Excited! Truly If anyone just wants to they can "Taste and see that jehovah is good". (Ps 34:8) Helping people taste jehovah is a wonderful privilege."
His hunger for truth and cheer excitement just blows me away. He works at a local resort called Turtle INN, and within the property there is housing for some of the workers. This is where Arnold lives and on the step is where we study. He speaks english but his first language is spanish. It may seem like studying would be a challenge but we have made it quite easy. He uses a Spanish bible teach book and bible and we get along just fine. When you have a great study it can brighten up your entire day, but with arnold, he brightens up the whole week. He asks great questions and when he learns something new his whole face lights up, he sits back, and thanks jehovah! I can't stress enough how excited he is about his studies, he has already read most of his book and he really wants to go to the meeting. I told him when and where but unfortunately he is scheduled to work. But this is what he said " IS OK! I GO FOR MY GOD AND I JUST TELL THEM THAT I GO!" He's really Excited! Truly If anyone just wants to they can "Taste and see that jehovah is good". (Ps 34:8) Helping people taste jehovah is a wonderful privilege."
This ones from Kohlton:
"Hello friends, hope everyone is well. Clint's a new student here on the peninsula. He has an incredible appreciation for spiritual matters; he's always on the beach reading the magazines and his Bible. He loves his studies, we've been averaging 2 hours a study. He accepts the Message from the Bible and will hopefully be making the meetings soon; all from studying with him for two weeks! He may be taking us in his boat to Monkey River to complete some territory there, so that would be excellent.
There’s another study that Derrick and I got to conduct the other evening, Babe & Olga. They both give excellent comments and after only three months of studying Babe continues to say that “Soon ill be doing the same thing you guys do!” speaking about the ministry work. Olga owns a restaurant on the main street that she’s offered us to use for Sunday meetings; our first meeting there is on Sunday. What a witness it will be for our meetings to be in an open-air restaurant on the main road, where everyone can see! Physical time is certainly slowed here, people rarely know what time it is; but spiritual time is accelerated! People make great progress quickly, accepting the Truth in a heartfelt way. As you can see, even the students here help make Jehovah's Name vindicated."

This is Daniel and Andrea they have been here for 3 years and Andrea got her skirt stuck in the bicycle chain heading to the service meeting.

Some of the territory we have here in Belize. The walk way is held up by bags of garbage.

Our congregation picnic that we had this last Sunday

This is Daniel and Andrea they have been here for 3 years and Andrea got her skirt stuck in the bicycle chain heading to the service meeting.

Some of the territory we have here in Belize. The walk way is held up by bags of garbage.

Our congregation picnic that we had this last Sunday

Nice to read your blog. We are a family planning a trip to Belize in December. We have been to Roatan a few years ago but have always wanted to check out Belize. Any info would be great!!! fmburchard@aol.com. May Jehovah bless your efforts!!!
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