So Seth, Timmy, and Brandon are back in the states and we got fresh new recruits here for Placencia. Keith and Kohlton arrived on the 11th of August and have already begun to fall in love with Belize and the territory. We all hope that you find some of these experiences encouraging and we hope that those who are able can join in serving where there is a greater need. Please feel free to share these experiences with anyone that may enjoy them.
This ones from Derrick:
"Well there is always something happening here in Placencia so i'll give a couple experiences. First is that one of the studies that was found in Seine Bight just joined the school and her name is Dashan, she is the first one to gain privileges besides Yvette (the only local publisher) so it is always exciting to see progress. The second one is Errol, he was one of Seth's studies that he left for me and we had a great study the other day, he had read the entire Bible Teach book and said he only had 2 question should we celebrate the sabbath and why we dont accept blood. He just couldn't see how we were willing to die because of blood, he said that living was more important because Jehovah gave us life. I asked him "Do you believe in worshipping idols?" he said, "No, the Bible says that we shouldn't."
I then asked, "Do you believe in committing adultery?" he said, "No the Bible says not to do that either." I then asked him, "But what if someone put a gun to your head and told you to do those things, would you then?" he said with a smile on his face, "I see where your going with this, and no I hope that I wouldn't do those things." I then said, "Now we know that if it comes down to obeying Jehovah's commands we are willing to give up our lives for him so what we need to find out from the Bible is if Jehovah wants us to abstain from blood." He agreed. We got through 3/4 of the chapter and he then agreed with not accepting blood but admitted that if it was life or death that would be one of the most challenging decisions to make, he said that if it ever came up again (he accepted a blood transfusion before) that he hoped that he could have enough faith to make the right decision and then quoted what was said at Matthew 16:25. "
This ones from Kohlton:
"Hello from the south! I thought id just share a couple experiences that have encouraged us, in hopes that they may do the same for you. When I got here, Timmy DeMaio passed the torch on a study named DaVinci. He's about nine I'd say. Our first study (out of Learn From the Great Teacher) was going very well until we tried to go from paragraph seven to paragraph eight. All the sudden, DaVinci puts his head up and would not tell us why he refused to continue! So, after asking for a while, he said: "You no study like Timmy and Mr. Brandon." I asked 'why?'. He said "Timmy and Mr. Brandon look up every scripture!". Apparently I had missed looking up the cited scriptures, and he was not happy. From then on, on every study, we look up every set of scriptures no matter how long! It's very encouraging to know that even young ones can have such an appreciation for God's Word.
It's a little discouraging that I need a nine year old to tell me what to do on my studies, but thats another subject. A few days later I was able to go on a study in Seine Bight with an elder named Dan Hartin; the study's name is Babe. When we arrived, Babes wife was not there, so Babe called someone to pick her up. While we waited there we had many Bible discussions. When his wife arrived, we begun the chapter and appendix on 1914. Both took notes diligently on the subject and by the end were able to explain it fairly well! Afterward we talked about the differences of sinning willfully and accidentally. When she learned the truth she exclaimed: "You have to go and tell people this! People have to know!". We proceeded to calm her by assuring her that we do tell people, every day! By the end we had been discussing with the family for 3 and one half hours!"
This ones from Keith:
"So now that we have had a chance to settle down into our new home here in placencia, we’ve been able to focus on the ministry work this last week and embark on the monumental task of cultivating the interest shown here. I got my first study while waiting for the bus. He called us over to say hi and asked if we were Jehovah's Witness and wanted to know if I knew a person that he knew. Of course I didn't, I just moved here. But he wanted to talk about the bible. I told him that I could talk with him every week if he wanted and then I gave him the bible teach book and asked where he lived. He told me where and when I could find him. Got my first bible study!! I’ve seen him a few times out and about but is working. Were going to shoot for Sunday to sit down and talk. It blows me away how there is still so many people out there that desire to learn the truth. The Harvest is truly great!
The other none local brothers and sisters have been a really big encouragement. Daniel and his wife are in there early 30's years old. There from Canada and they just got there residency for Belize. They have been here for about 3 years. Daniel, now an elder here, is a great influence and his zeal for the ministry is infectious. Although he has a lot of responsibility he wouldn’t change anything. It’s been up building to be around and whiteness a couple making the necessary sacrifices to serve Jehovah to the full. The local brothers are really eager to have a new place to meet. They have been meeting on Sundays at Daniel's house and traveling to Mango Creek which is an hours journey for their meetings during the week. But the brothers here are in the process of getting a bigger, local place to host both meetings in placencia. The place their looking at may need some fixing up but it will greatly help the spiritual progress of the students. Everyone is very excited to have a place that can fulfill the needs of the territory and allow for future expansion. With Jehovah’s holly spirit and blessing it will happen!"

Our new house

Seine Bight, where we do most of our witnessing

Outside brother and sister Katoose's house in Belize City